Founder's Fundraiser
We are excited to announce that PCD Smiles is now no longer just a Minnesota nonprofit charity, we achieved our 501(c)(3) status in the Fall of 2023. Our goal is to ensure that our mission of sending smiles to all PCD patients can continue into the future with confidence. To make this happen we need you! Please consider donating in honor of your PCD loved one or in honor of our Founder Reneé Dale’s fiftieth birthday this month.
Reneé is the driving force behind PCD Smiles’s mission of sending smiles and providing her PCD peers an outlet during stressful moments, procedures, and treatment during hospitalizations to help ease any trauma or discomfort. Activities, crafts, and stuffies where a big part of helping Reneé through her hospitalizations over the years. She still enjoys many of these same activities to this day, especially when hospitalized. Although her primary focus is on her love quilting and sewing; her passion is on her fine art pieces where she specializes in pen and ink. She credits her art and quilting to having PCD. For without PCD she may never have needed to slow down at times, which gave her the chance to master her art.
As we move forward we look to ensure a lasting legacy of patient smiles, support, and advocacy for PCD patients worldwide. Please help us continue our mission today by considering donating to our Founder’s Birthday Fundraiser. Won’t you consider donating $5.00 so we can continue to send cheer packages to hospitalized PCD, no matter their age, today? Or how about committing to a monthly reoccurring donation? Any amount will help and your donation is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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