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Be sure to click, like, join, follow, and share all things PCD in the month of October!
Are you ready to help make PCD a household name?
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Be sure to click, like, join, follow, and share all things PCD in the month of October!
Are you ready to help make PCD a household name?
The countdown to PCD Awareness Month begins now! Be sure to click, like, join, follow, and share!
Are you ready to help make PCD a household name?
Daily task 8. Expand your existing PCD knowledge or learn something new about PCD, and then share that knowledge with others. (Expand your knowledge and spread awareness of PCD. This can be done by making a post in a PCD support group posing a question about PCD to the group. We learn from other’s antidotal life experiences.)
The seventh daily task in the Turtle On 100 Day challenge is to expand your knowledge of the rare disease primary ciliary dyskinesia. Once you’ve expanded your knowledge, you then take that knowledge and put it to practical use in your daily life. One way is to help raise awareness of PCD to the greater population of this world. Do you have what it takes?
Join the Turtle On 100 Day Challenge and put your time management and planning skills to the test.
Find out more at; http://www.pcdsmiles.com/catagories/pcd-awareness/turtle-on-100-challenge
To purchase challenge merchandise visit; https://store.pcdstyle.com
Join our Facebook group Turtle Talk Café today, click here.
We have several ways that you can donate to PCD Smiles;
- Visit Smile E. Turtle's Amazon Wishlist; https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/KNO9BAJR74I4?ref_=wl_share
- For more information on how you can donate, please visit our "Donation" page to check out our "Do & Don't policies at; http://www.pcdsmiles.com/support-pcdsmiles/donations2
- To sponsor a PCD Smiles Cheer-box today!
- To shop for your “Official” turtle care ribbon gear today!
Thank you for your consideration!
#PCDsmiles #PCDstyle #PCDsmilesCookbook #PrimaryCiliaryDyskinesia #SmileEcove #TurtleTalk #TurtleTalkCafe #PCD
#PCDawareness to help find a #cure4PCD!
Daily task 7. Select a hobby & practice it every day. (Pick anything & stick with it, no days off. This can be combined with 30 minutes of daily self care)
The seventh daily task in the Turtle On 100 Day challenge is to select a hobby and practice it every single day for thirty minutes. Remember this can be an easy way to work both self care and a hobby into your daily challenge, as well as daily life. We need to make time for things that matter to us, so that we are not overwhelmed by our chronic illness or our loved one’s illness. This task will hopefully help you to identify and recognize that there is time for you as a human being in this chaotic medical life. Do you have what it takes?
Join the Turtle On 100 Day Challenge and put your time management and planning skills to the test.
Find out more at; http://www.pcdsmiles.com/catagories/pcd-awareness/turtle-on-100-challenge
To purchase challenge merchandise visit; https://store.pcdstyle.com
Join our Facebook group Turtle Talk Café today, click here.
We have several ways that you can donate to PCD Smiles;
- Visit Smile E. Turtle's Amazon Wishlist; https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/KNO9BAJR74I4?ref_=wl_share
- For more information on how you can donate, please visit our "Donation" page to check out our "Do & Don't policies at; http://www.pcdsmiles.com/support-pcdsmiles/donations2
- To sponsor a PCD Smiles Cheer-box today!
- To shop for your “Official” turtle care ribbon gear today!
Thank you for your consideration!
#PCDsmiles #PCDstyle #PCDsmilesCookbook #PrimaryCiliaryDyskinesia #SmileEcove #TurtleTalk #TurtleTalkCafe #PCD
#PCDawareness to help find a #cure4PCD!
Daily task 6. Take 30 minutes a day for self care. (Self care can be whatever you want. A nap, read, meditate, draw, or whatever.)
The sixth daily task in the Turtle On 100 Day challenge is to practice self care. Often when dealing with a chronic illness we forget to take time out and care for ourselves. Caring for ourselves is caring for our illness or our loved one with an illness. Self care can range from a bubble bath to working on an interesting hobby. In fact your daily challenge for self care can be combined with your daily task of learning and practicing a new hobby. Do you have what it takes?
Join the Turtle On 100 Day Challenge and put your time management and planning skills to the test.
Find out more at; http://www.pcdsmiles.com/catagories/pcd-awareness/turtle-on-100-challenge
To purchase challenge merchandise visit; https://store.pcdstyle.com
Join our Facebook group Turtle Talk Café today, click here.
We have several ways that you can donate to PCD Smiles;
- Visit Smile E. Turtle's Amazon Wishlist; https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/KNO9BAJR74I4?ref_=wl_share
- For more information on how you can donate, please visit our "Donation" page to check out our "Do & Don't policies at; http://www.pcdsmiles.com/support-pcdsmiles/donations2
- To sponsor a PCD Smiles Cheer-box today!
- To shop for your “Official” turtle care ribbon gear today!
Thank you for your consideration!
#PCDsmiles #PCDstyle #PCDsmilesCookbook #PrimaryCiliaryDyskinesia #SmileEcove #TurtleTalk #TurtleTalkCafe #PCD
#PCDawareness to help find a #cure4PCD!
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