Why are there orange and blue ribbons for PCD?
Dear Smile E.
Why are there orange and blue ribbons for PCD?
Color Confusion
Dear Color Confusion,
The awareness campaigns for primary ciliary dyskinesia have taken many forms over the years. Starting with a simple day in October for PCD Awareness sponsored by the American PCD Foundation. In Fact back then the American Foundation was know as the KS Foundation. They changed with the science and went to the KS/PCD Foundation because American regulations do not let them just change a foundation’s name. There is a process to that and it isn’t to the point that you were asking about. So to get back on tract. That single PCD Awareness Day morphed into PCD Awareness Month in October. We aren’t really sure who chose the care ribbon color of orange or why. Some believe it had to do with the month of October and so was born the orange ribbon. PCD families and community members proudly displayed orange all moth long every October for PCD Awareness Month. Then back about four or five years ago The American PCD Foundation decided to rebrand themselves to blue logos, advertising, and merchandise, and so was born the blue ribbon. There really isn’t a right or wrong way or color to support PCD Awareness. So until the next rebrand the ribbon is technically blue. I say technically, because a lot of older PCD community members are sticking with orange. So the color is either orange or blue, your choice. In 2021 our Founder added a third ribbon choice at the request of other community members that has both blue and orange. I’m not so sure the various PCD Foundations of the World knew how much that they would disturb the PCD Community by changing the care ribbon color for PCD to a different color. They probably should have asked the community instead of just telling the community. But in any case, you can still find the classic orange turtle ribbon and the new blue turtle care ribbon in our PCD Style merchandise, along with the alternative blue orange turtle care ribbon. We’ve got you covered, no matter your preference. Look for more blue ribbon and blue orange ribbon items in our shop soon.
Yours Truly,
Smile E. Turtle
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***Please speak to your respiratory therapist or your PCD medical team before commencing any new treatment. DO NOT start using a device, or technique, on this website if you have not discussed this with your PCD team first.***
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