Dear Smile E.
Which nasal wash device is best for primary ciliary dyskinesia?
Device Confused
Dear Device Confused,
Nasal wash device choice in primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) care is extremely important as compared to the general population. This is because the secretions or rather mucus in PCD can be rather thick and sticky due to the physiological factors of having PCD. The thick sticky mucus can not be sheared from the airway walls by normal neti pots or gravity fed nasal wash devices. You really need something that will give the wash the ability to shear the thick sticky mucus from the walls of the sinus passages. The nelimed squeeze bottle works well for this, in fact it is the PCD ENT specialist choice for nasal wash appliance device over any other appliance including other nelimed products. Contrary to recent social media reports that the nelimed squeeze bottle can not be sanitized is completely false and strongly disputed by not only the manufacturer but also by infectious disease experts in PCD, CF, and NTM care. The electric devices like sinugator or the navage are highly discouraged by these same specialists because these devices can not be completely sterilized and therefore the risk of reintroducing airway bacteria back into the patient is greatly increased. Nasal appliance device manufacturers and medical specialists strongly recommend that each patient speak to their own care teams for recommendations of which nasal appliance device will work best in the patient’s overall health needs. I also recommend speaking with your specialist as well. What works for one patient may or may not apply to any patient because of individual bacterial exposures and risks.
Yours Truly,
Smile E. Turtle
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