Will giving up Dairy Slow my Mucus?
Dear Smile E.
Someone said I should give up dairy because I have PCD. Is it true that giving up dairy will slow down my mucus?
Dairy Lover
Dear Dairy Lover,
The dairy mucus myth traces back to ancient times and isn’t based in any real scientific facts. Unfortunately depending on which side of the dairy mucus debate look there are equally supportive claims, reasons, and supposed scientific data to back up each side’s claims. What we do know is that animal protein is extremely important in one’s nutritional requirements, and has been shown to be scientifically better for your body than plant protein. Shocking, right? Secondly the emulsification process of milk you consume it actually coats already present mucus in your throat and mouth making it appear as if milk is increasing your mucus. So basically the milk is making you aware of the mucus that you already have. This can induce coughing to clear the mucus you now know is there. Which coughing is the natural response to clearing stuck thick mucus. This is all perfectly normal. However most people cling to this process to prove the the milk increased their mucus production. Humans need dairy, including milk. We need the protein and calcium found in milk as well as other byproducts of dairy. Substituting dairy with plant based options my actually increase a person’s risk of nutritional and vitamin deficiencies, which may add unnecessary issues to a respiratory patient’s life and overall health picture. I encourage you to speak with your medical team today about your exact nutritional needs, especially before making any changes. Ask you team for a referral to a nutritional specialist today.
Yours Truly,
Smile E. Turtle
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