Remember strengthening your lungs doesn’t help mobilize secretions. The big thing in PCD care is to get that mucus that your body makes everyday without fail out of your airways. Your airways need mucus to moisten, hydrate, and coat them to protect delicate lung tissue from drying out and being invaded by bacteria. Cilia are part of the mucociliary escalator that naturally moves the mucus bed that coats your airways. In PCD we retain our cough clearance, coughing helps mobilizing secretions. Any activity that gets you coughing is great for PCD..
Physical activity has a bronchodilator effect on the airways and opens them up making mobilizing secretions through airway clearance techniques easier. Swimming is a great way to open the airways by the physical activity and then using active cycle breathing or another airway clearance technique to mobilize the stuck mucus in our lungs from having PCD. Swimming is amazing if you remember not to stifle that cough. Get swimming and get coughing today! There are tons of airway clearance techniques and tons of outside the box ideas as well. Experiment today and put the fun back into your life. Remember airway hygiene is an important part of primary ciliary dyskinesia care.
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