Daily task 3. Get outside for 20 minutes a day no matter the elements. (Does not count as an airway clearance session. “Hospitalization modification” is permissible; get out of your room, ask for PT, if in isolation get out of bed and walk in your room, but ultimately move your body and get out of your head.)
The third daily task in the Turtle On 100 Day challenge is to get out side no matter the elements. Vitamin D is an important part of the immune system, and an area that most primary ciliary dyskinesia struggle with. Fresh air and sun light are extremely important in maintaining both mental and physical health. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to get out an enjoy the outdoors. PCD life can be such a mental game as well as physical. So take a walk, a hike, but whatever you do get out there and breathe in some fresh air while practicing your breathing techniques. This task does not count as an airway clearance session for your day. However if you are hospitalized there is a modification for this task, so that you can maintain your 100 day streak. Find out more at www.PCDsmiles.com. Do you have what it takes?
Join the Turtle On 100 Day Challenge and put your time management and planning skills to the test.
Find out more at; http://www.pcdsmiles.com/catagories/pcd-awareness/turtle-on-100-challenge
To purchase challenge merchandise visit; https://store.pcdstyle.com
Join our Facebook group Turtle Talk Café today, click here.
We have several ways that you can donate to PCD Smiles;
- Visit Smile E. Turtle's Amazon Wishlist; https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/KNO9BAJR74I4?ref_=wl_share
- For more information on how you can donate, please visit our "Donation" page to check out our "Do & Don't policies at; http://www.pcdsmiles.com/support-pcdsmiles/donations2
- To sponsor a PCD Smiles Cheer-box today!
- To shop for your “Official” turtle care ribbon gear today!
Thank you for your consideration!
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#PCDawareness to help find a #cure4PCD!