Nasal Washes, Yay or Nay?
Are you Team Yay or Team Nay when it comes to nasal washes for you or your loved one with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD)? Nasal washes are an integral component to PCD care, or rather they could be. The thing is, is deciding just when in life they should be introduced to a person with PCD. But don’t get me wrong nasal washes may just not be your thing for more than personal comfort, there may be a medical reason keeping them from helping someone who has PCD. So how do we know which team to pick, which side is really right for your exact overall needs?
Read more: Nasal Washes, Yay or Nay?
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Disordered Sleeping and Sleep Disturbances in PCD
Disordered sleeping and sleep disturbances are more common in PCD than once thought. It’s not surprising given that you need to be able to breathe properly in order to sleep properly.
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Can I live a Holistic Lifestyle with PCD?
There are no studies into holistic lifestyle alongside a primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) diagnosis. There are however a few antidotal reports from the PCD patient population where patients have self reported following a holistic lifestyle and seeing great benefits. What these great benefits are remains to be seen. Primary ciliary dyskinesia is a genetic level defect of the motile cilia throughout the body. One of the biggest effects to the body when you have malfunctioning cilia is delayed airway clearance as the body’s mucociliary escalator is compromised. Having a messed up mucociliary escalator means that airway clearance of debris and bacteria is delayed up to seven days compared to a healthy counterparts airway clearance time of up to twenty four hours.
Read more: Can I live a Holistic Lifestyle with PCD?
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PCD Awareness Month a Necessary Evil?
We are a little less than two weeks away from another PCD Awareness Month. I’m just not feeling it this year. It seems to get a little more difficult each year, and I am not sure why it gets more difficult. Maybe it’s I’m getting older and older and my PCD progression marches on with time. Maybe it’s I feel no one is listening and no one actually cares. Honestly it’s probably just vid fatigue. Everyone is tired of hearing about medical issues. You got what a you got so get on with life, is pretty much how I’d sum up everyone’s attitudes. It’s no secret that 2022 has been a hard year for me. All things considered, and all things laid bare I’m ready for a change. Though I’m not sure what kind of change I’m looking for either.
Read more: PCD Awareness Month a Necessary Evil?
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Patient Exploitation by My Own Parents
My parents were scammers, no seriously they were. I’m not lying about that. My parents coned so many people through the years and I was the subject of their number one con game. It’s truly a sad story.
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