Daily task 8. Expand your existing PCD knowledge or learn something new about PCD, and then share that knowledge with others. (Expand your knowledge and spread awareness of PCD. This can be done by making a post in a PCD support group posing a question about PCD to the group. We learn from other’s antidotal life experiences.)
The eighth daily task in the Turtle On 100 Day challenge is to expand your knowledge of primary ciliary dyskinesia. Knowledge will be your biggest asset when dealing with any rare chronic illness. You need to be ready to educate even medical staff at a moment’s notice. Being able to recall and explain PCD knowledge at the drip of the hat will ensure in an emergency situation that you can do so with confidence and accuracy. Accuracy is key to protecting yourself or your PCD loved one from unwanted or unwarranted medical procedures, interventions, and or experiences. Just because someone is a trained licensed medical personnel, that does not ensure that they have accurate and up to date medical information about your specific rare medical condition. It is essential that you maintain your knowledge base of PCD and are not afraid to speak up. Practice sharing your new found knowledge in the PCD support groups with other PCD community members to gain confidence and clarity that you have a firm grasp of PCD as a whole. Do you have what it takes?
Join the Turtle On 100 Day Challenge and put your time management and planning skills to the test.
Find out more at; http://www.pcdsmiles.com/catagories/pcd-awareness/turtle-on-100-challenge
To purchase challenge merchandise visit; https://store.pcdstyle.com
Join our Facebook group Turtle Talk Café today, click here.
We have several ways that you can donate to PCD Smiles;
- Visit Smile E. Turtle's Amazon Wishlist; https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/KNO9BAJR74I4?ref_=wl_share
- For more information on how you can donate, please visit our "Donation" page to check out our "Do & Don't policies at; http://www.pcdsmiles.com/support-pcdsmiles/donations2
- To sponsor a PCD Smiles Cheer-box today!
- To shop for your “Official” turtle care ribbon gear today!
Thank you for your consideration!
#PCDsmiles #PCDstyle #PCDsmilesCookbook #PrimaryCiliaryDyskinesia #SmileEcove #TurtleTalk #TurtleTalkCafe #PCD
#PCDawareness to help find a #cure4PCD!